May 31, 2012

Buffalo Chicken Tacos

I have been SO into fruit lately it's not even funny.
Everything is so ripe and juicy right now and no other taste seems to beat it. I've been enjoying a big bowl of fruit alongside every meal lately...and you KNOW that's good for the waistline.

Anyway, last Friday, John had to work late and I wanted to make him a delicious yet simple dinner. So I did some research. What's manly but tastes so so good at the same time? That's when I found a recipe for Buffalo Chicken Tacos!!!
Seriously guys, easiest recipe ever and I could have had like 7 of them. Too bad I didn't have whole wheat tortilla shells at the time otherwise, I probably would have. But it's bikini season, ya'll. Like I care.

Buffalo Chicken Tacos from How Sweet It is.
Head over there for the recipe but just know I ditched the gargonzola, cilantro, and extra sauce (as I mixed up a TON with the chicken).


His Little Lady said...

oh my scrumptious!!!!! all of this food looks devine!
xo TJ

Jessica @ Little Maple Leaf said...

Thank you so much! :)