Sometimes when I lay in bed at night, just before I fall asleep, my most creative ideas come out.
I'm not sure why this is as I don't feel very creative for the majority of the day. This may seem weird as my job title is a "Creative Writer". But that's just the way it is, I guess.
Anyway, it's not a secret that I absolutely love to blog. Lately, I love reading other people's blogs more than writing my own but I do it for research purposes. I love seeing the type of posts they create, the pictures they take, their take on outfits and recipes, etc. It's all so...fascinating. And it may sound strange that us bloggers are so fascinated with other people's lives besides our own. But isn't that just the way it is? (Think reality television).
Recently, I've been thinking a lot about starting fresh with a brand new blog. I like this blog, as it's full of some of my deepest thoughts (journal type entries more than anything else), however, it's not so much a lifestyle blog. It's funny, because the blogs I'm the most interested in are, in fact, lifestyle blogs. Blogs
I think in order for my blog to be successful and for me to feel satisfied at the end of the day (blogging is VERY serious, people!) I need to start a fresh one. No, no. It's not going to happen now (or probably anytime soon). I just want to start constructing out my thoughts of what I want it to look like, what I want it to be called, what types of posts I'll make, etc. And in order for it to be successful, I'll need photoshop and a new camera.
I just can't take pictures on my camera. I never want to because the quality is terrible and the pictures don't turn out very nice. I want a camera where I can show off that I really can be creative and see the beauty in life and nature and love and everything else. But I can't capture that with a small little camera that has no crisp image. Also, I want my blog to look inviting. But I need photoshop in order to do this.
I've learned a lot about HTML and coding and what not lately so I'm sure I can figure out how to construct my blog properly. It's just about making it look nice and how I want it to look.
Something that also needs to be realized, that blogging is defintiely not walk in the park. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. So I just want to be able to plan this all out before I jump into anything.
Hopefully my little group of followers will follow me on over to my new blog once I get it up and running!
Thanks for listening. For now I'll still post when I have something important to say or show, but lately, I've been lacking the passion for this little "Daydream" blog of mine.
I guess this blog doesn't have the direction that it needs for me to love it.
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