April 20, 2011

Inspirational Wednesday's: Keeping Those Who Matter Close To You

I've been thinking a lot lately about those who matter most to me.
Who my true friends are and the people who do for me as I would do for them.

If you think about it really carefully for a minute, how many people in your life do you have an equal relationship with?

How many people do you have that natural connection with?

Would you feel comfortable just calling up that girl from work on the weekend and ask her if she wants to go for a drink or would you prefer to hang out with somebody else like another friend or a boyfriend?

I've always been a firm believer on keeping those around who have a postiive influence on your life as opposed to a negative one.

So I have a question for myself (and maybe those going throu a similar situation)?

I sometimes feel like I'm too nice. Maybe a bit naive.

When am I able to take charge of my feelings and know how to stick up for myself?
When will I be able to not let other people's hurtful words or interferences get in the way of my life?

I always let people affect me so much, especially people who I'm not even that close with.

I'm definitely a "pleaser" but I really need to get back on the track of knowing the people who truly matter.

I can't keep getting hurt feelings because I want to be someone's friend.

Who would I rather hang out with? That's the question I need to ask myself.

I'm sorry if this made no sense. I'm just ranting.

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