April 22, 2011

Weekly Gratitude: April 22nd

Happy Friday everyone!
It's actually GOOD FRIDAY today so if you're lucky like me, you get today off! Woo!!!
This week has been not too bad. But let's take a look at the high points of the week and take a minute to say what I'm thankful for...after all, it is a special day.

  • Thank you to my BFF Tamara! It's her birthday today! She's 22! And we're in for a GOOD weekend :D wooo! She's been there for me in the best of times and in the worst of times. Thanks Tam! Hope your day is phenomonal!
  • Thank you to a clean house. Sometimes when you clean, don't you just feel accomplished and like you can just finally relax?
  • Thank you to my family for loving my BF! It's kind of cute when John has bro-mances with my Dad and Uncle over hockey. Haha!
  • Thank you to Camilla for featuring me in her new magazine The Violet!! You seriously need to check out this online mag! It's so uplifting.
  • Thank you to the sun! You're finally showing yourself and I love you for it!
  • Thank you for this upcoming weekend. It's going to be full of family and friends and nothing gets better!
Have a great Easter everyone! xoxo

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